Porto Kayio is the current name of the southern natural harbor of Continental Greece. In Homer Porto Kayio is referred to as “Psamatheus “ and in Pausanius and Stravon as the “ancient good fortuned port of Psamathous ”. In ancient Greek means land with a lot of sand. The citable of Psamathoys is situated at the spot where the cemeteries of Saint Vassilios lies. Left in the gulf of Porto Kagio are found also ancient Neoria that were the ship yards of Psamathous.
During the 4 th century B.C. Porto Kayio belonged to the Land of Lacedemoneans. It has always been a pirate base and an exceptional shelter for the boats. Beyond the Port towards the northern part of Porto Kayio you can see Monastiri and Achillion (also named Kastro) where the Turks in 1570 built strong, insurmountable wall in order to conquer Mani but within a year the defendery worked havoc on them and forced them into surrender.
A harbor of exceptional importance which in the 16 th century A.D. was named after the Portolaneous explorers “ Porto Kale” which is the oldest local name we meet in the bibliography. In Venician bibliography in 1785one comes across the name Porto Quaglio and also Porto delle Cailles ( Port of Quails )since this is where anigratory birds and mainly quails turtle doves find rest during their minagratory travels. Since 1810 the place bears the name Porto Kayio.
During the B’ Russian – Turkish war Porto Kagio becomes the refuge and stronghold of Lambros Katchonis the Revolutionary hero. Even to this day one can see the old canons once mounted on his ships during the war against the Turks. Today, Porto Kagio is a quiet harbor that continues offering safe refuge in any visitor it needs it.